It's All About

You Jesus.

Lately, I've been pondering my blog name, On Fire For Jesus. I've been questioning the depth of my love for my Savior. I've been wondering, am I lukewarm? Am I really "on fire" as I profess to be in writing?

It seems more and more, I'm writing about daily life, home, kids, and such. Less and less I am writing about Him.

I think that writing is an overflow of my heart. Thankfully, my heart is overflowed with my children, my husband and my friends. That's good.

But I want more.

Even when I sit down to write about what God is doing, like sending me to Mexico, or beginning a new childrens ministry, or the awesome words that God has spoken into me recently, I feel like I can't get the depth of it on to "paper."

I've seriously considered changing the name of my blog, because I feel as though somehow I am not representing authentic "fire" for Jesus, in my writings. But, I can't. I mean what would I call this online journal, that would truly represent me?

So, I am at a stand still with this blog. I am ready to grow in a new way with writing. I want to get across more of Jesus and less of me. I am not so sure how to do that yet. But, the Lord knows my heart.

All I know, is I want this to be all about You, Jesus.


  1. Your heart is so beautiful!! Your blog name says it all. You are willing to be set aflame with Him. Whether you choose a new blog name or not you will always be to me On Fire For Jesus!!!!

  2. Give this some thought, but remember, even being the devoted wife, loving mother and faithful friend you are represents who you are in Christ, so I still think the name fits!

  3. Hey Becky,
    It's Candace. Just thought I would say hello and I MISS NC!!!! Ok I got that out now I feel better... sorta. Hope all is going well.

    Love ya all,

  4. I agree with livin' life and melissa. Just by the way you live your life, you are showing others how on fire for Jesus you are. I don't think you need to change anything - name or what you write.

  5. Interestingly enough, I have been singing one line from this song on my Kari Jobe CD "It's All About You Jesus, And Not About Me Lord". Jay keeps telling me I have to pick a new song. But it's on my heart today too.

    You ARE "on fire for Jesus" - you just want more. That's a good thing. God knows your life is filled with a husband, two wonderful boys and three college girls. He knows what you can give and loves that you want to give Him more!

    The "winter stick" was a wonderful present. When I saw it on your blog, I had a feeling it might be coming our way. Chicken Nugget has me read and reread her note from her "betrothed". We love you and miss you like crazy!

  6. Here Here! Listen to the girls! Everything you write about, as "practical" and "real life" as it may be shows us that you are pointed to Jesus. One might even say pointed like a flaming arrow! The way you love your house guest, the way you serve your church/school, the way you educate and train the boys, the way you minister love to C - all of it seems pretty ON FIRE to me, girl!