This Just In....
75 more banannas just crossed the threshold of my house!!! 75!!!
Dear God,
When the Israelites kept getting their manna, they began to complain.
Variety seemed to be the problem. Just so You know, I wasn't complaining last week, when I wrote this or this.... Oh, and by the way, thanks for the potatoes, green chili pepper, regular pepper, and limes. We're making salsa today too!!
Your daughter
Posted in: going bananas, Too Darn Funny on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at at 1:30 PM
Maybe God is telling you he wants you to take in some monkeys.
Do you remember that schtick by the guys on WJTL's Kids' Cookie Break? "ANOTHER banana?" The Boss says that all the time, at odd random moments and ALWAYS cracks the kids up with it. That's what flashed through my mind when I read this post :)
There has got to be a parable hidden here somewhere.....
I don't know where these are coming from, but I am making banana bread tomorrow too!
IF you freeze the bananas, I recommend peeling and mashing them first. They are icky to do this after they are frozen then thawed (and I never learn...)
Much luck!
That is A LOT of bananas...oh my.
Totally agree with Heidi about the peeling and mashing first.
so aweseome about you and your son doing a teaching duo - its really significant in the heavenlies!!! and the bananas! i bet there is a message in them, too.....just not sure what it have been faithful in little, so He is giving you much????
i'd like some of those bananas!