Our Manna is the Bannana

There is so much to tell you all, I could write a book. I could begin with my FABULOUS weekend full of little trips, beyond excellent conversations, and the best of all.... friends. I could also tell you about the mother and son duo preaching/teaching, that EJ and I did this past Tuesday. Or maybe I could tell you about how I was supposed to be on tv, for ummmm.... NASCAR week.Okay...wait, I need to laugh for minute!

Still, back to the point of this post.

Instead of all that I think I will share about how the Lord provides for us. It's called the banana. Lots and lots of bananas.

I don't quite know how it happens or where it all comes from, but once in awhile a student comes to the school bearing a TON of food, usually bananas. And somehow in the midst of all his school, work, studies, etc, my husband realized that it was smart to take whatever was left over and bring it home. It's the lure of banana bread, I'm tellin ya!

We get bananas all. the. time. Usually they are just as you see them above. A little on the rotten side. Best for baking!

Now, friends, there are probably 50 or more bananas in that picture. I had already used 6 of them for smoothies that morning.

This time around, we weren't just blessed (and I mean that... word in its fullest) with the manna of bananas, but we were given a HUGE box of onions. This picture is after I spent the time going through them all, getting rid of the extra skin and packaging them up. Because, bananas are one thing, but what in the world am I going to do with 200 onions (no exaggeration!). So, I organized, cleaned them up, took what I need and am in the process of farming them out to the staff.

We also were given 6 limes and 5 pomegranates.

So, I made pomegranate juice. It looks much prettier then it tastes. Need to hone in on my pomegranate juice making.

Are you all laughing yet? Because honestly, I am! How in the world did I become Miss Betty Crocker?!!!

Truthfully when I saw all the bananas (again) I thought ugh... more bananas? And then I had this swift thought about the fact that we have been praying for the Lord to provide for our needs. He is! Isn't He?!!! So, I am thankful for our manna, the banana.

Here are some banana chocolate chip muffins I made yesterday! Now doesn't that just make your mouth water?

BTW -don't worry, I will be posting about this past weekend, my brush with stardom, and my 5 year old preacher in the next few days. Stay tuned!


  1. I have been wondering what was up with you. At least with the banana's you can freeze them easily to make more banana bread for the holidays later or something.

    That is an incredible amount of food!

    I'm sorry I have no idea about pomegranites, not even how it is supposed to taste!!

  2. Now you need to pray for that much chicken or beef.

    I love your banana bread!

    I've made a salad using the pomegranite seeds to top it. Very tasty, but alot of work to get those seeds.

    I think you can chop onions up and freeze them, but I don't know exactly.

  3. Oh my goodness! That sure is a lot of manna :). Make a ton of bannana bread and freeze them. We love to do that around here, it's great that way.

    Or, if you didnt know, you can chop the bananna's in chunks and freeze them on a cookie sheet. put them in a zip lock the next day and have them for smoothies later.

  4. Wow!! Sounds like a lot of work doling out and perserving the blessings. But we love banana bread/muffins/cake around here, too. And my favorite juice is cranberry-pomegranate or just pomegranate, but I think those are both juice cocktails(?) so they're probably a lot of sugar and water--I obviously don't make my own. Pomegranates are great for you, though!

  5. I'm sitting here giggling, with Keith Green's "So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt" running a soundtrack in my head. Bamanna Bread! If you are too young to remember that song, look it up! It's hilarious and will make you giggle too.

    We love banana anything here - banana waffles, pancakes, muffins, spice cake, smoothies, spread with peanut butter and mini choco chips, and so on. And invariably, the preparation on banana bread always makes us burst into song :)

  6. I like bananas and I'm so glad I can find bananas there in NC. Mys siter misinformed by telling otherwise lol