Just Thinking about the Holidays .... Already???
So yesterday I was having a three hour phone date with my mom. Towards the end of it, she brought up Christmas, asking if it was still okay with us that she come down! "Of course," I said, "We are planning on it."
She went on with talking through some thoughts she had, which included the idea of maybe having a children's gingerbread house party. Quickly I stopped her thinking about how pregnant I was going to be at that point.
And then.... like forging flood waters, realization came racing in....
Before I tell you that realization.... let me remind you of some historical pregnancy facts. I've been pregnant only two times. Both times I was on bed rest by 33 weeks. My first born arrived at 34 weeks, my second at 37 weeks.
And for just a quick reminder - I am 21 weeks... today.
Take a quick look at the calendar... just for kicks. Want to know the approximate timing of 12 weeks from now, which may or may not be when I could possibly (but hopefully not) be on bed rest???? It's the week after THANKSGIVING!
Oh and while you are thinking about turkey, stuffing, and all the fix ins just flip over to the next month and look at the last week of December... that would be when I hit 37 weeks! Yea, the main goal in my mind to make it to....
Return with me to the phone conversation I was having with my mother.... she's pleasantly thinking about gingerbread men and icing, while I suddenly had a spike in my blood pressure. Do you know what I need to accomplish in the next say... 12 weeks??? How about Christmas shopping, and freezer meals, and oh let's not forget the baby's room! Aaahhhh!!! Just mix that in with my absolutely. crazy. daily life already (that of course, I love)....
Oh boy... or maybe girl. Or whatever! I've got much to accomplish and soon!
(And just for the record - I do believe in miracles. I certainly may not be on bedrest. I just happen to be a planner... that is all. Of course, my overall plan is to NOT be on bedrest. I'd just rather be on top of things then behind... know what I mean?)
Posted in: baby #3 on Wednesday, September 09, 2009 at at 8:01 PM
I'm coming down for the gingerbread house party!!!!!!!!!!! I wish.
You will be fine. Remember babies don't really need much when they are born...just a dresser drawer and blankets. LOL!