New Year, Same Me
I love growing and changing! I really welcome the thought of shedding bad habits or hidden ugliness inside. To me, growing is one of the best things in life. If we hit adulthood and found out that we knew it all, then what would be the point to life?
God. Obviously...
But the thing about God is, He is never ending. Learning about Him, reading His word, praying, spending time with Him, worshipping Him, and so much more never gets stale because there is always so much more. How exciting is that?
I was thinking about this new year of ours and I decided that I wasn't going to place any big goals or resolutions on myself. Over the last few years I've been discovering just how much my God loves me. How much He really enjoys me and what He thinks about me. And when He challenges me to change or grow, I may fight it in the beginning, but I always end up doing as He says.
Since I've begun to realize just how much He adores me, I've found a deeper joy in myself too. I like who God has created me to be. Even if it is weird or different or loud or too analytical or whatever.
So, its a new year! But its the same me! And I'm happy with that.
Posted in: on Monday, January 12, 2009 at at 9:58 AM
Love the new look. Wish I felt confident enough to sink some time and energy into doing a new template. Wish I had enough sleep to decide if it's worth the time :)
And I love the graphic for today's post - says it all quite well. Happy New Year to a growing you!
Very interesting New Year's post. We do tend to think the new year is going to be so different, when it is what is the same that is important.
I think I can relate very much, thank you soo much for writing this post Becky! Very encouraging..