Up For A Good Read?

I just finished the book, God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew. It was definitely one of those books that you didn't want to put down. Infact I stayed up way too late each night during the four days that I read it.

I love these kinds of books. Its the story of the missionary, Brother Andrew, who goes behind the Iron Curtain and smuggles bibles into communistic countries. The book had detail and drama. I learned about how God provides without asking people and how Brother Andrew was willing to lay down his life for the cause God had called him too.

To me, reading this book was like a vacation. I have been reading lots of deep, convicting, analyze your life kind of books. I needed a breather, something that I could just enjoy! For me this book was along the lines of Heavenly Man and Bruchko!

And now, I am committing myself to reading through the following books....

I did read the book a year or so ago. However, CJ's school is having the practical ministry class work through this devotional for the trimester. Since, CJ and I lead a ministry, the school offered me the book for free. Personally, I think you can never get too much of Bill Johnson!

This pastor is in inner city Toronto. He works with the drug addicts, alcoholics, and prostitutes. This is a compilation of stories from the people he worked with.

CJ got me this book over a year ago. It looked enticing but I never read it. Recently a student was over and picked the book up. She looked at me and said, "Fire, I think you need to read this book!" I took that as a second push from the Lord and promised that I would read it soon. Soon has come, its time to read it!

I read half of this book last fall. It was good. Infact I have no idea why I didn't finish it. Well, I have one idea. I know that this book is to encourage and strengthen part of my purpose in life. So, I am going to finish the book!

I am focusing on Song of Solomon during my time in the bible. I need to understand this book a bit better. I have read it twice now and truthfully I am struggling with seeing how it is His love for me. I am praying that the words of this book will finally leap off the pages and into my heart and soul. I am praying that I will finally get revelation, real revelation in those pages.

Well, that's enough, don't ya think? It kind of ambitious. But I am not in any classes and I really want to push myself to read more and more.

What's on your nightstand?


  1. I just finished Heavenly Man this week. Aren't you proud? Let's see I started it during my visit with you in October - that's only what 7 months!

  2. God's Smuggler is one of my all time favorites - I love books about GIANTS of the faith that went before us! Currently on my nightstand is a compilation of four little novellas - I'm having a hard time getting thru it cuz it's been so busy here. Even that level of brainless-ness has been more than I can muster this week! But we have an AWESOME church library in the next town over that is open to the public, even if you don't go there, and I head up every two weeks or so to grab some retreat reading. Now that summer is around the corner, I'll be doing a lot of light fiction, around the pool with the kids and my iced tea :)

  3. mike bickle has some fantastic stuff yo supplement your song of solomom study - -asnd i agree - can't get enough of bill johnson - just finished dreaming with God myself!!!!!!!