Thirteen Things I am Grateful for this Thanksgiving Day
  1. My Lord, my God
  2. My husband, the one who evens me out and truly completes me
  3. My children, who bring such joy to my life, daily
  4. Moving to North Carolina
  5. Knowing that God will exceed our dreams
  6. A warm home, food in our bellies, and a place to lay our heads
  7. My friends that are almost 500 miles away
  8. An upcoming night with Say Anything
  9. The ability to read and get truth out of His word
  10. Creative provision
  11. Having opportunities to give
  12. It's Christmas music time
  13. Family close and afar

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name forever!!! ~ Psalm 100:4

Happy Thanksgiving!

***Check out more Thirteen Thursday particpants