Teaching the Days of the Week

Since this blog, is a journal for me, I am going to begin adding my homeschooling ideas and thoughts. It is my desire to look back on this blog and see what we were doing years from now.

I am really enjoying teaching EJ. I have not committed to any sort of "program" right now. Infact, since he is only 4 and I have plenty of time to really get comfortable, I am just picking and choosing ways and things to teach him. I have compiled a list on my computer for each of my children, with what I hope to teach them in the next several months. I have used many sites and some books, to help me come up with what is a priority for my kids age.

This past week we focused on the days of the week. I went online to a preschool page and found cut outs with the days written on them. I printed them out, attached them to colored paper and lined them up on the wall. Then I made some fun little pictures for sunny, rainy, and snowy days on them. I borrowed the book, Today is Monday, by Eric Carle, from the library. Then, I looked up a preschool song about the days of the week. This is what I found, to the tune of Five Little Indians...

We are singing,
We are singing,
the days of the week
the days of the week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Time to play!

I sat both EJ and Z down and we sang the song several times. Then, we read the book. Finally we stood up and pointed to each day of the week, going over them one at a time. It was really fun!!

To follow up, we take less then 30 seconds each day, say the days of the week and then determine what the weather is (sunny, rainy or snowy) and place the picture by the day!

My two year old is actually learning the days of the week! He may not have his ABC's down yet, but he can do the rhyme of the days!!!


  1. We sing them to the tune Darling Clemintine.
    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Firday Saturday, Today is Monday today is monday today is monday yes it is.

    They learn so much quicker through song. That is why I made up a simple song for spelling my kids names. They both knew how to spel their names while they were two because of the beauty of song.