Pic of the Day

Thrills and I had lunch today. We had our usual tunafish sandwiches, the staple of our lunch dates! Instead of eating at the table, we sat in front of my computer and discussed blogging!

We went to a great website, Morgue File, (TY - MIA) to look at pictures for future blogs.

While perusing the pictures, I came upon this one.

It stopped me.... and made my heart do a flip inside! This picture is just incredible to me. I wonder where are they, Africa, probably? And how old is the child? Is that her mama, or her big sister?

I wonder if they know Jesus? If they have seen amazing miracles?

Then, secretly, inside I hope that someday, I can experience that in real life. That I could meet them and talk with them. Get to know the culture and find out how life is really like, in their shoes.

This is what burns in my heart. Are we really satisfied that for rest of our lives, we will only live in the same house that we are in now, the same town, county, state? Is this it? Is this all there is to life....?

When I see this picture, I think about all the cultures, lives, children and people out there that we have an opportunity to meet and share the love of the Lord with. This is what Fires me up!