Last night we attended our 15 year class reunion. Maybe I'll be the only one to openly admit it, but I was a bit nervous as Cory and I climbed the stairs towards the get together. Many of these people I haven't seen since the day we graduated. In my own way, I have changed so much in the last 15 years.
I remember teachers, parents, and many adults telling us as high schoolers, that these were the best days of our lives. We were encouraged to get involved, to try things out, to learn as much as we could and to cherish each day.
For me my high school years were full of hurt and a quest of trying to figure out who I was. My home life was falling apart, I was struggling with depression, and I desperately just wanted to be loved and encouraged in who I was supposed to be. Those years, were not my best.
Just to clarify, my desperate time in life had absolutely nothing to do with the people I was surrounded by. Each classmate was going through their own teen years. Nobody was perfect or had it all together themselves. We were, what we were - adolescents!
Reunions can be a lesson in confidence. Have you come to a place of knowing who you are? Are you comfortable with yourself? Can you walk into a crowd of now adults and appreciate who each person is, what choices they have made with their lives, and how they have gotten there?
I loved going to my class reunion last night. I looked at each person with memories of who they were and admired who they became. Many of us whipped out wallets, phones and more to gloat over our children. While others discussed the details of the incredible jobs they were working in. Some people traveled from Tennessee, Virginia, and New York to share in the memories of our own childhoods.
We grew up. Somehow we figured out who we were as individuals. We braved the good times and the bad times of our pasts and shared who we are now.
Last night we laughed as we watched our fourth grade class commercials. We sobered up as we viewed pictures of those we had lost. We inquired and questioned each other over those that were not there. Pictures (and drinks) flowed freely, many of us remembering who we were during those days.
As Cory and I walked down the steps, on our way home, I sighed. It was a good night, a beautiful group of people, and an opportunity to remember that those years shaped who I am now. For that I am thankful!
Posted in: on Sunday, October 17, 2010 at at 9:03 AM
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