Mornings and Thanksgivings

There is something about mornings and me. We get along but not really. You see, I never fully wake up until I have been moving around for awhile. Usually my achy body is lumbering out of bed while all three of the kiddos are already smiling, screaming, or needing something.

I have the desire to be one of those moms, you know the one who has it beautifully together by 6 am. My dreams include getting up around 5:30 ish, turning on quiet music, taking a shower, lighting candles and baking a healthy breakfast. When the kids wake up, they come downstairs to a mama who is refreshed and full of quiet joy.

I've done it before. You know getting up at least an hour or more before the kids, showering, making breakfast and even lighting candles. Our day seems so much better when it starts out with peace and love.

But since I'm not perfect and I do have quite an achy body, I do my best. This morning, I was looking out my kitchen window. The above picture is what I stare at in the mornings while I drink my cup of coffee and tune out the chatter that is going on. I stare and drink in the day. I watch for deer and egrets and I take a deep breath. It seems like everyone has already started before me and I have to catch up.

Even though I don't have it all together, staring at the beauty that God has created just quiets my soul and prepares me for the day. I find myself thankful ....

for where we are
what He is in my life
my husband
my three adorable boys
for daily Hope
for this life

And then, I kick it into gear, turning my attention to the three boys that call me Mama. For as much as I complain and struggle with selfish desires, deep down I am more then grateful, I am blessed with ALL that He has provided for me.


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