Rainy Days

It's the heat down here. I'm telling you, I'm not a fan of heat. I abhor it. I loathe sweating. There is nothing about being hot that is fun for me. I always joke around that I got saved so that I wouldn't have to worry about being hot in h*ll.

So when rainy days, like today, come along the way, I find myself rejoicing! Infact, I ripped open the windows, threw open the doors, and turned off the central air, just so that I could breathe in cool, crisp, rainy weather!

Oooohhhh.... then I made myself some mocha coffee, turned on some classical music, and began the routine of chores, homeschooling, and everyday life. In some ways, I could have danced through the day, the rain made me that happy.

Right now, I have chicken boiling, with herbs, onions, celery, and carrots. It is the beginnings of a yummy chicken noodle soup, with crusty warm wheat bread for dinner tonight. Fresh strawberries with perhaps some vanilla bean ice cream will wrap it all up.

Since the rain created mountains of mud, soccer practice has been cancelled for this evening. Which means we are all home, to enjoy soup, and a quiet evening.

The goal tonight: break out my paints, a fresh new canvas, and focus on the following scripture:

"Be still and know that I am God."

How appropriate for a day like today..... I love it when it rains.


  1. Ooo! Ooo! Me too! Me too! I love rain. There's just soemthign so comforting and happy about it. :)

  2. Ok. That wasn't Cate. It was me.

  3. Sounds wonderful - can I come over??

    We had soccer on Sunday and it was the hottest day I can remember in a while. We were all exhausted by the time it was over, even those of us who just sat and watched!