
My little Z man turns 4 today! Gulp - lump in the throat. Yeah, he's no longer a toddler, but very much a preschooler. And boy oh boy, are my mommy hormones, need another baby, my youngest is 4 already, on high alert these days.

But anyways....

Little Z LOVES being a superhero, whether its spiderman, batman, superman, a knight, or bibleman. It is no joke, that Z dresses up daily. And between he and his older brother, there is always a concoction of "bad guys," that must be dealt with in one way or the other.

I love this little boy.

Perhaps, I need to get a little more sterner, but Z still sucks his thumb and has a dozen or so stuffed animal friends. He rotates his favor between each of them. Currently, he is back to Pup Pup, a ragged little puppy that we bought him for Christmas when he was 16 months old. I've taken to believing that Z will not enter college sucking his thumb, so who cares if at the ripe old age of 4 he still prefers that first digit... oh well.

Sweet Z, has taught me so much over the last 4 years. Patience, mercy, and joy just to name the few. Because of his laid back temper, I've learned to relax and enjoy how he learns, grows, plays, and adapts to life. Relaxing as a mother has proved beneficial for his big brother too. I imagine that when we have more siblings, they will all thank the Lord for Z and what God has taught me through Him.

And so another year is about to begin with Z. I can't wait to see him change and grow, learn new things and be the boy that God has created him to be. But for the moment, I just want to hold onto him as the little boy he is... sweet, relaxed, thumb sucking, stuffed animal loving, Z man.


  1. Awww, four already!?! And don't worry about the thumb thing - LadyBug still sucks hers when extraordinarily tired or in a deep sleep. We even offered the room re-do as incentive, but swimming at night with Daddy makes her so tired she reverts :) And stuffed animals? Well, don't tell Shaggy or Dr. D that I told ya this, but they have a secret stash under their beds that I'm not allowed to discuss purging and giving away any more! :) I love giving them a hard time about it, but I also love that they are still "my little boys!"

    Happy Birthday Z!

  2. Happy Birthday, Z!!! We love you and miss you. I hope you had a great day.

  3. Happy Birthday Z-man!

    This Journey of Mine: I am loving the music on your blog! I'm keeping it open just to listen.

  4. Happy Birthday Z!

    I'm enjoying my 4 year old too. So much of what you described reminded me of Barber...if we lived closer, I imagine they would be fighting the "bad guys" together for sure!

  5. What a sweetie!! Happy Birthday!


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  7. Four is when they really seem to be growing up! Mine still sucks his thumb too. I have a great time pretending that I'm going to take it away:)

    We have seen the Bibleman shows! My little guy loves everything Superman!

    Wishing Z a Happy Happy Birthday.

  8. Me again. Just stopped by to let you know I nominated you for a bloggy award.

  9. Happy B-day Z-Man! 4 was hard for me to swallow also, they are just too close to 5 :)