Hello, with some Random Thoughts

I've got a couple posts brewing in my head. Its all about timing though....

Right now I am sitting outside on our porch. The kids are playing and I am catching a minute or two online.

It's hot down here. The last couple of days have been scorchers. But today, there is a light breeze in the shade. And every hair on my leg that I have missed in shaving is waving! Bet you wanted to know that!

Mom In Action, marked her one year anniversary in blogging yesterday. She was the dominoe that fell and started this rare strain of writing for many of us. Now, if we could just convince some of you lurkers and readers out there to participate more...

Sometimes I feel like it is Christmas in June for us... we celebrate 5 birthdays, Fathers Day, and an anniversary all in less then one month! And every year, it catches me by surprise.

Of course, today is my brothers birthday. He's 29. And that is what my next post will be about!

That's all folks.


  1. We've had some scorchers too. Two days ago the thermometer registered 110 degree in the shade of our backyard!

  2. Ok, so I am so glad I am not the only one who misses hairs on my leg when I shave. I seem to miss rows sometimes!

  3. OK OK I'm a lurker... trying to participate more :)