The Throne

CJ approached Rock On about coming to church with us. He said, yes. The plan is to have him come with us Sunday morning.

After our impromptu dinner the other night, I turned to CJ and said, "everytime we are reminded to pray for the lost, you have a face to put with that charge."

And so last night, we were worshipping in church. Our times of worship have been so electric lately. One person got up and spoke and encouraged us to focus on one thing that was on our hearts, just one thing. Then he told us to go after it in prayer.

CJ was standing in the back of the sanctuary. I turned around and met his eyes and we both knew that this was an opportunity to cry out for Rock On.

It was such an emotional moment for me. I kept looking towards the heavens crying out, reminding Him, that He said, "None shall perish."

As I was praying I felt as though I was crawling, on my hands and knees, and I got to the tip of The Throne, it was golden. I saw the corner and went no further. Instead, I just stood there on my hands and knees praying and crying out that Rock On would be completely changed, that his wounds would be healed, and that his life would be dedicated to the Living God.

As my prayers ended, I knew that my God heard me. I knew that He heard my heart and my cry. I knew that I was before the Throne and that my request was made known.

Touch the Throne with your prayers today, He is there.


  1. Goosebumps. Got em'. I'm joining you in praying for Rock On and believing that his life WILL change and that healing WILL occur and that he will inturn impact many lives for the Kingdom of God!

  2. Amazing!

  3. it is definitely His will that none should perish....thanks for fighting the fight!