Taking Comfort

This morning I got up feeling a bit more refreshed. Still not a hundred percent, but much more determined.

I needed even just a moment with my Savior. So, I went to grab my bible and couldn't find it. I looked everywhere and even at this moment I don't know where my daily bible is. It will show up, I know it.

So, feeling desperate I found my other bible, the New Living Translation. It was one of my first bibles when I became a christian. I opened it up, not sure where I was going. And found myself at Psalm 37.

I love the Psalms. I really do. More and more I become comforted by these words.
Today, my Lord did not fail me!

I read through it and then teared up when I reached the following:

23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
24 Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand

As I read it, I was reminded of a conversation I had just recently had with Mirror, Mirror, one of my dearest, bestest friends. During the conversation, I told her how God was showing me that each day I walk around, pondering Him, singing worship songs to Him, praising Him, praying to Him, talking about Him, reading His word, reading books about Him, allowing myself to be challenged, asking to be changed, writing about Him. My life is consumed by Him. I realized that He is enjoying me.

Somehow over the last few days, I had forgotten that.

Of course, just when I thought that I had fallen and couldn't take one more step as a mom, wife, friend, daughter, etc. HE reminded me that I have only stumbled. He reminded me today that He does delight in every detail of my life. He reminded me of what He has been telling me. He is proud of me, his daughter, his beloved.

And that, my friends, put a smile on my face and a spring in my step and helped me to keep going today.


  1. Yeah! Oh I'm so glad got the truth through to you. Don't chew-swallow it!

    Thank you for reminding us that stumbling is normal and expected and just "a stumble." I needed that tonight.

  2. We're proud of you, too! :-)

    You are a delight and He rejoices over you!

  3. Glad to hear you were comforted by God's Word. I love the Psalms too. Thanks for sharing your journey...it's a nice reminder. I felt like the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through your post today and the last few days. Thanks for sharing.

  4. i love it - He delights in every detail. He enjoys us! out of all the billions on the earth who don't even look at Him, there you are consuming your life with Him!! He is indeed so pleased! we need reminders of His love constantly, don't we? constantly....