Fighting For It
Our hope is not in wealth, but in GOD who richly provides for us everything for our enjoyment.
1 Timothy 6:17 adapted
We are walking through a season of strengthening our faith. In most cases it is a lot of fun. I am finding our journey more like an adventure, not always knowing how or what God is going to do next. I like adventures too.
Sometimes having our faith stretched can be hard. Not knowing what is around the corner or how things are going to be taken care of can leave me up at nights worrying. If I let the enemy win, fear of the unknown can rack my mind and body.
Before CJ and I moved down to NC, we prayed and really felt as though the Lord was directing CJ to work at a very specific place. (I can not say where due to the off chance that someone from that place would read this!) We went after the job that we believed that the Lord said. He got his foot in the door, volunteering. They loved him and decided that it would be a good idea to put a proposal in for a position.

We were excited and thrilled, since this is what we heard from God.
Until this past weekend, when we found out that the company loves him, wants him, thinks the job is a priority, BUT just can fund it right now.... ugh.
Here is truth.... I almost started to cry when we found out. And for the first couple hours we just let it sink in. The first day of knowing this new information, ended positively. We decided that just because things don't look like they are working out in the natural, doesn't mean you give up on what you believe the Lord said.
CJ is a full time student, as most of you know. So, it's been 7 months since we have seen a paycheck in our house. 7 months! As we watch our savings dwindle, I keep trying to understand just how God is going to take care of this.
There are pretty "logical" answers out there, of course. CJ's got great computer technical experience. So finding a job in the marketplace can be accomplished. But, is that what God told us to do? No.
I can't end this, with this is how God has worked it out.... because it hasn't worked out yet. However, this is what we are doing.... we are fighting for it!
I placed scripture up all over the house about God's provision. I need the reminder, right now. I need to know that He WILL provide for ALL of our needs. Then today, I put a paper up so that we can write down all the special ways that God has provided for our needs. That is located in the kitchen so I can be reminded of it daily. We are praying and fasting, which is the biggest part of the battle.
And we are going to continue to live abundantly, not with a poor spirit. We are stepping out in faith and we know that God will direct our paths. He will take care of all of our needs.
If our faith isn't stretched now and our ears tuned finer to Him, how will we ever really accomplish all that He has for us in the future? We want to be effective for His kingdom and that requires faith.
So, let's build each other up with testimonies, friends. Let me hear when you had to fight for it and God provided!
Posted in: on Monday, February 12, 2007 at at 4:00 PM
I know it may not seem so great going through...but when you go through and get to the place God has for you you will have grown so much. You will grow in your faith. You will grow in your relationship with your family. But most of all, you will grow closer to God.
Hope my own journey will encourage you...(About a year ago). We were following God's lead and I was home with our two children. But the savings were dwindling and it looked in the natural that in 2 months we were going to be out of funds to continue staying home. We kept believing and speaking God's word. My husband and I started to pray together. And right in God's time (just a month before the funds would have went dry), he answered our prayers and came through with our finances. Someone contacted us out of the blue about buying a piece of land in a remote AZ area. We didn't even think of selling but knew that it was God's provision and his timing. The property was a gift to us so we were out no money - just ahead! It helped us pay off some debt and allow us to continue down the path God had led us.
God is good! He is faithful. If God has led you, He will see you through. Keep the faith! I am praying for you and your family.
Also, I loved your post about the scripture around your house - great testimony to your kids and others!
My first teaching position.
I was a long term sub for 1/2 the year - and I was excellent (I'm sorry if that comes across rudely but God gave me this gift...he doesn't give junky gifts!) Truth is, I didn't want to teach. I ran away from it at first - and then, finally surrendered to His will. Anyhoo...I knew inside (that gut feeling) that I was supposed to get the job. I didn't.
I remember crying out to God. Not understanding why. Asking "why did you send me down this path anyway?". Then something clicked for me.
Yes...HE was the ONE that sent me down this path. Therefore, HE will provide me. He would open the doors that He wants me to walk through and NO ONE (man, company, school board, etc.) can stand in His way.
It was at this point that my questioning why and feelings of uncertainty evolved into a sense of security. I knew that I was secure in His hand. I needed to make sure that my heart was right and that I kept my focus on Him and not on my circumstances.
About a month later...I received a call...offering me the same job that I wasn't selected for. I said "yes" and knew that I wasn't there because of whatever may have gone on behind the scenes. I was there because my God, in whom I put my trust, opened the door for me to walk through.
The Battle Belongs to The Lord!
I really like the idea of scripture on the walls - that is really encouraging!
Well, there are a few testimonies that I have to share - I may only have time to type one right now.
Probably in the early spring of 2005 (it was realy in the year), I felt that the Lord told me that He was going to provide a house for us in the fall. We found out that we were pregnant with our first baby in April, and I knew that I would really like to have a house to live in once the baby arrived, rather than the one BR apartment. So, I had to trust in Him and stand on His Word.
During the summer, my parents did not understand why we were not really looking for a house, but I knew that it was not the timing, yet. We were even asked (by someone else), "so, what are you going to do with your apartment once the baby arrives, since you will not have a house by then?" When that was asked of me, I knew that the Lord was going to provide - I know that it was the beginning on Sept, and the baby was due on Dec. 23rd, but I trusted in Him - and also knew that He would take care of us no matter what happened!
So, the week after it was officially fall, we found the house (after looking at many horrible houses). We made an offer, they countered, but I knew that we were not to go any higher, so we stood our ground with our initial offer. We prayed and believed that if that was the house that the Lord wanted for us, that they would accept our offer. Well, we found out the next day that they accepted the offer - PTL!!! They had a higher offer, but felt that we were the ones to have the house!
So, the Lord provided the house for us in the fall, and we moved in during the weekend of Thanksgiving. Our baby was able to come home to the house that the Lord had promised to us - he was due 4 weeks later, but was born about 6 weeks later!
Stand on the promise that he gave to you! He is true to His Word!
B ~ We are in a journey much like yours right now! For as long as we've been married, we've known that international adoption was part of God's Divine Plan for our family. We never felt released to pursue it until recently.
As you know, we recently moved to the Philly suburbs - where everything is almost double the cost that good old Mechanicsburg was. Except our new income. But we knew this was the job the Lord had for us, and we knew this was the house (which is another whole amazing testimony of provision in itself!!). So we have worked diligently on settling in, joining a church family and seeking the Lord for provision and planning.
Now, here we are, tighter financially than we've been since the early years of our marriage. And in January '06 God says, "Start the process of adopting your little girl from China." I said, "Um, Lord, we can't really afford that right now." He said, "Start the process now." We said, "Okay." (How wise of us, huh?!)
And here we are, 10 months into it and the Lord has provided everything so far; all we've needed to begin the process has been there on the deadline we've had to meet. We still have a large portion of finances to raise now, but He's been so faithful to provide the first 1/3 or so that we no longer fear. And we KNOW that He KNOWS our little girl, has chosen her for us and is holding her in HIS HANDS while she waits to join us.
This little girl represents so much more to us now, more than the culmination of a long-held dream. She represents the faithfulness of a loving God, the fulfillment of prophesies we've received for over 16 years (including one at our wedding ceremony!), and the physical provision of His hands, to just name a few.
Please know that we are praying with you and for you. You are walking a fine journey, and the Lord obviously trusts you immensely. Look at what He's already entrusted to your care: a marriage, two beautiful boys, a home from which His spirit will flow, and a calling to minister to the world around you. Walk in His light, knowing that you are His beloved. And if you have these gifts, they are evidence of His great favor in your life. And like TCC says, He doesn't give junky gifts! (I love that!!)
Hugs to you all!
Definitely keep fighting for it!