Good Morning

This morning I am thankful for

~big glasses of ice water
~a hummingbird feeder outside my kitchen window
~quiet piano music
~Z man's sweet ability to play quietly by himself
~EJ's morning out with Daddy - helping him, of course
~dedicated and true friends
~Thrills announcement this week
~listening to a young couple as they victoriously battle out their relationship
~a cool rainy day this week
~little boy paintings
~less humidity and heat then usual
~working with my husband for a common goal
~the girls who live with us
~being able to pay my bills this week
~two little boys who love to snuggle up with me
~watching EJ ingest books
~purchasing 183.00 dollars worth of groceries for 56.00
~my front porch

Thank you Lord for these blessings.


  1. What a great list! Thank you for reminding us to be thankful for all the blessings in our lives.

  2. What a beautiful list! I've loved getting caught up on your blog and I wanted to thank you for your sweet comment the other day. God bless you.