A Sweet Gift

Last weekend, we had the best time visiting with one of our friends, Cobb.

Cobb was in the area for a conference and was supposed to only see us for a few hours on Saturday. Much to his surprise and ours, his plans fell through and we ended up with the pure pleasure of having him stay with us both Friday and Saturday night.

The very best thing I love about Cobb is his way of conversing. He is known through out our small community of friends back in PA, for is infamous questions. They are the kind that make you think and dig deep inside. He is thoroughly gifted with a depthness of conversation and I love every moment of it.

Cobb arrived Friday evening after dinner and after the grand tour of the house, we settled into the couches and began catching up. A little while later, the girls all piled in (they too were looking forward to meeting him - we have the best girls living with us!) the livingroom, with pizza and brownies and warm drinks. We settled around the coffee table and then he began.... oh, the questions were so good. And the conversation was just perfect. We talked for hours, discussing the Lord, how we see Him, what we hope to see in Heaven, and so much more.

Saturday, we rose early and had french toast (which unbeknowst to me, was one of his favorite breakfasts). We went to EJ's soccer game and then took the drive the NC Zoo. Our passes were expiring at the end of the month and it was such a beautiful day. The car ride up was full of more stimulating conversations. At the Zoo, we walked and talked and took in all the sights and just relaxed.

In my heart, it felt like the perfect day... of course, no one knew that there was an even bigger surprise in store. Not even me...

Stay tuned for part two.


  1. What fun!

    He is definitely the question man.

  2. I'm glad you got to see a friend! Those times can be so rewarding.

  3. He asked you questions??? Really??!!